So I just noticed that the previous method only support NFS v2. ESXi require NFS v3 at minimum. So here’s the guide for NFS v3 on Buffalo Linkstation.
Step 1:
Gain SSH and optware (check my previous post)
Step 2:
Check for unfs package
#ipkg update #ipkg list | grep unfs unfs3 - 0.9.22-1 - Version 3 NFS server (not recommended, use nfs-utils instead)
Step 3:
Install unfs #ipkg install unfs3 #ipkg install portmap (optional)
Step 4:
#nano /opt/etc/exports /mnt/array1/share (rw,no_root_squash)
(ctrl-x to quit and save)
Restart services
#/opt/etc/init.d/S55portmap restart #/opt/etc/init.d/S56unfsd restart
You can try mount this NFS from ESXi or ubuntu server
#apt-get install rpcbind nfs-common #mkdir -p /mnt/mynfsshare #mount IP-of-your-NFS-Server:/mnt/array1/share /mnt/mynfsshare/ #df -kh
When configuring NFS shares to use as network sources for Kodi’s music/video libraries, use the following format: nfs:// (where “” should be replaced with the IP of your NFS server, and “/path/to/folder” should be replaced with the path to the folder you want to share; a double slash between the server and the path is wrong, you should not use nfs://