There are plenty of tutorial on how to install Xpenology in virtual environment. I tried few method a year ago and given up. Recently I found newer how-to and success after hitting few bumps. You can refer to this post if you want to try on your own and learn something new along the path. I have decided to improvise it and prepare a ready made OVA file, to ease you importing this VM (or just being lazy to follow the step by step guide :)).
First of all, please download the OVA files from links at the bottom. After that, unzip it and start importing the OVA from your ESXi or VMWare Workstation. This OVA file was exported from ESXi 6.7, and running DSM 6.2.1 – latest version as of this post).
Drag all the 3 files to the import window
Choose Thick for best performance (pre-allocate disk space)
Click finish to complete import and power on the VM
Wait for 1 minute and locate yoru DSM VM. The VM will obtain ip address from DHCP (you can check from your DHCP server) or just type in your web browser – it will scan your network and find the DSM
When DSM is located, click Connect
Go to Storage Manager to create your first disk pool
Drag the available disk from the left to the right
This is optional but recommended step. Download openvm-tool and install it using Package Center. This is to enable ESXi to have visibility on this VM such as IP Address and allow you to gracefully shutdown the VM from vSphere.
VM info is displayed correctly after open-vm-tool is installed.
Download links:
Incoming search terms:
- https://advanxer com/blog/2018/12/install-xpenology-dsm-6-2-1-on-esxi-6-7-ready-made-ova-file/
- XPEnology ova
- xpenology esxi 6 7
- vm tools скачать dsm 6 2
- vmware установка xnology
- xpenology 6 2
- xpenology arc 6 2
- xpenology dsm 6/2