Cisco FEX short notes

By | May 23, 2022

Fabric Extender Terminology

  • Fabric interface – A 10-Gigabit/40-Gigabit Ethernet uplink port that is designated for connection from the Fabric Extender to its parent switch. A fabric interface cannot be used for any other purpose. It must be directly connected to the parent switch. This interface is enabled when you enter the switchport mode fex-fabric command.
  • Host interface – An Ethernet host interface for connection to a server or host system.
  • Port channel fabric interface – A port channel uplink connection from the Fabric Extender to its parent switch. This connection consists of fabric interfaces that are bundled into a single logical channel.
  • Port channel host interface – A port channel host interface for connection to a server or host system

FEX Topologies

Single Homed Host and FEX (Static Pinning Mode) Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Single Homed Host and FEX (Static Pinning Mode) Design

Single Homed Host and FEX (Port Channel Mode) Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Single Homed Host and FEX (Port Channel Mode) Design

Dual-Homed Host (Active/Standby) and Single Homed FEX (Static Pinning Mode) Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Dual-Homed Host (Active/Standby) and Single Homed FEX (Static Pinning Mode) Design

Dual-Homed Host (Active/Standby) and Single Homed FEX (Port Channel Mode) Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Dual-Homed Host (Active/Standby) and Single Homed FEX (Port Channel Mode) Design

Host VPC (Single Link) and FEX Single Homed (Static Pinning Mode) Straight Through Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Host VPC (Single Link) and FEX Single Homed (Static Pinning Mode) Straight Through Design

Host VPC (Single Link) and FEX Single Homed (Port Channel Mode) Straight Through Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Host VPC (Single Link) and FEX Single Homed (Port Channel Mode) Straight Through Design

Single Homed Host and Active-Active FEX (VPC) Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Single Homed Host and Active/Active FEX (VPC) Design

Dual Homed Host (Active/Standby) and Active-Active FEX (VPC) Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Dual-Homed Host (Active/Standby) and Active/Active FEX (VPC) Design

Host VPC (Dual Links) and FEX Single Homed (Static Pinning Mode) Straight Through VPC Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Host VPC (Dual Links) and FEX Single Homed (Static Pinning Mode) Straight Through VPC Design

Host VPC (Dual Links) and FEX Single Homed (Port Channel Mode) Straight Through VPC Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Host VPC (Dual Links) and FEX Single Homed (Port Channel Mode) Straight Through VPC Design

Host VPC (Single Link) and Active-Active FEX with FEX HIF VPC PO (Enhanced VPC) Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Host VPC (Single Link) and Active/Active FEX (Enhanced VPC) Design

Host Port Channel and Active-Active FEX Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Host Port Channel and Active/Active FEX (VPC) Design

Dual Homed Host (Active/Active) and Active-Active FEX  Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Dual Homed Host (Active/Active) and Active-Active FEX (VPC) Design

Single Parent Nexus Switch: Host VPC and FEX Single Homed Straight Through Design

Nexus 2000 FEX Topologies - Single Parent Nexus Switch: Host VPC and FEX Single Homed Straight Through Design
