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Install μTorrent Server in Ubuntu/Debian

μTorrent is a freeware and a closed source BitTorrent Client. One of the most used lightweight BitTorrent Client, Now it is available for Linux as μTorrent Server. You can download the tar file from or Open a Terminal and use the following command to download.




For x32

root@vps:~# wget

For x64

root@vps:~# wget

After downloading the tar file, move to the file to /opt directory

root@vps:~# mv utorrent-server-3.0-ubuntu-10.10-27079.tar.gz /opt/

Change to /opt and extract downloaded file

root@vps:~# cd /opt/
root@vps:/opt# tar -zxvf utorrent-server-3.0-ubuntu-10.10-27079.tar.gz

Change permission

root@vps:/opt# chmod -R 777 utorrent-server-v3_0/

Create a symbolic link so that you can run the torrent server from terminal.

root@vps:~# ln -s /opt/utorrent-server-v3_0/utserver /usr/bin/utserver

Start the torrent server by using the following command in terminal.

root@vps:/# utserver -settingspath /opt/utorrent-server-v3_0/

If you get this error utserver: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory, you can execute below command to install required libssl

root@vps:/# apt-get install libssl0.9.8

Open a browser and type the following line to access μTorrent Server webui


Default username is admin with blank password.


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