Pi Hole and ASUSWrt Tweak

Pi Hole Additional “Conditional Forwarding”root@DietPi:/etc/dnsmasq.d# cat /etc/dnsmasq.d/01-pihole.confrev-server=,, ASUSWrt Disable router own address for secondary DNS nvram show | grep dhcp_dnsdhcp_dns1_x=172.16.1.nvram set dhcp_dns1_x= set dhcp_dns2_x= commitservice restart_dnsmasq


Copy Docker image from one machine to another

This is a workaround to transfer docker image from personal laptop with direct internet access to work laptop behind a proxy server. On personal laptop$ docker save image > image.tar On my work laptop $ docker load < image.tar


Downgrade Software on Router That Runs Cisco IOS-XE SD-WAN to Classic Cisco IOS-XE Software

Problem The user cannot configure boot system flash bootflash: image settings in order to boot the original Cisco IOS-XE image: router#config-transaction admin connected from using console on routerrouter(config)# boot ? ^ % Invalid input detected at ‘^’ marker. router(config)# boot system flash bootflash:c1100-universalk9_ias.16.06.05.SPA.bin ——————-^ syntax error: unknown command Solution The procedure is similar to a software… Read More »
