To configure IP Address in AP
config ap static-ip enable AP-NAME IP-ADDRESS MASK GATEWAY
To configure AP Credentials for Telnet/SSH
config ap telnet enable AP-NAME
config ap ssh enable AP-NAME
config ap mgmtuser add username USERNAME password PASSWORD enablesecret ENABLE-PASSWORD AP-NAME
To change AP mode
config ap mode MODE AP-NAME
To configure ap group name in AP
config ap group-name GROUP-NAME AP-NAME
To configure flexconnect native vlan in AP
config ap flexconnect vlan native VLAN-ID AP-NAME
To check vlan id of interface
show interface summary
To check wlan id of interface
show wlan summary
To map vlan id to wlan in flexconnect AP
config ap flexconnect vlan wlan WLAN-ID VLAN-ID AP-NAME
To configure wlan and mapping wlan interface in ap group
config wlan apgroup interface-mapping add GROUP-NAME WLAN-ID INTERFACE-NAME
To downgrade AP to autonomous from WLC
config ap tftp-downgrade TFTP-IP-ADDRESS FILENAME AP-NAME
To check cdp neighbour of AP
show ap cdp neighbors detail AP-NAME
To disable wireless clients from connecting network (Adding clients in exclusion list)
config exclusionlist add MAC-ADDRESS DESCRIPTION
To enable LED of AP
config ap led-state enable AP_NAME
To disable LED of AP
config ap led-state disable AP_NAME
To reload AP
config ap reset AP-NAME
To apply filter in WLC for quick findings
grep include “pattern” “commands”
grep include “AP Serial Number” “show ap config general AP-NAME”
grep include “MAC Address” “show ap config general AP-NAME”
grep include “IP Address” “show ap config general AP-NAME”
grep include “167.73.2.” “show ap summary”