Installing PyLoad on Optware

By | July 1, 2011

SSH to your NAS and type below commands:

1. Installing package dependencies

ipkg install python py25-crypto py25-curl libcurl py25-openssl py25-django tesseract-ocr unzip sqlite wget-ssl py25-pil unrar ossp-js



2. Make working folder for pyload

root@nas:/# mkdir /mnt/disk1/pyload/

3. Download latest version of pyLoad:

root@nas:/# wget

4. Unzip it

5. Install it
root@nas:/#./ –s

6. Run it
root@nas:/mnt/disk1/pyload# ./ -s

Choose your Language / Wähle deine Sprache ([en], de, fr, it, es, ru, pl, cs, pt_BR): [ENTER]
## System Check ##

Python Version: OK
pycurl: OK
sqlite3: OK
pycrypto: OK
py-OpenSSL: OK
py-imaging: OK
tesseract: OK
PyQt4: missing
jinja2: OK
beaker: OK
JS engine: OK

System check finished, hit enter to see your status report.

## Status ##
Features available: container decrypting, ssl connection, automatic captcha decryption, Webinterface, extended Click’N’Load
Continue with setup? ([y]/n): [ENTER]
Do you want to change the config path? Change config path? (y/n):y /root/.pyload
Do you want to configure login data and basic settings? This is recommend for first run. Make basic setup? ([y]/n): [ENTER]
## Basic Setup ##
The following logindata is valid for CLI, GUI and webinterface.
Username [User]: username
Password (again):

Language ([en], de, fr, it, es, ru, pl, cs, pt_BR):
Downloadfolder [Downloads]: /mnt/disk1/share/download
Max parallel downloads [3]:
Use Reconnect? (y/[n]):
Do you want to configure ssl? Configure ssl? (y/[n]):
Do you want to configure webinterface? Configure webinterface? ([y]/n):
## Webinterface Setup ##
Activate webinterface? ([y]/n):
Listen address, if you use or localhost, the webinterface will only accessible locally.
Address []:
Port [8000]: 8000

To start pyLoad as service (daemon)
root@nas:/mnt/disk1/pyload# ./ –daemon

To kill pyLoad service
root@nas: ps | grep pyLoad
root@nas: kill <pyLoad Process ID>

Web Interface: TCP 8000
RPC (remote client): TCP 7227

Update 21/2/2013
Pre-compiled package for IPKG is available now!

ipkg install wget tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-lang-eng ossp-js unrar
ipkg install pyload-v0.4.9-noarch.ipk
pyLoadCore -s


Incoming search terms:

  • pyloa optware